jueves, mayo 29, 2008
Store and share documents online with Office Live Workspace
Al parecer Microsoft sigue tratando de alcanzar a Google y su plataforma Google Apps... Ahora le toca el turno a Google Docs...
Microsoft esta promoviendo en su versión en español el Office Live Workspace... GRATIS (habrá que ver las letras pequeñas)...
Lo bueno es que ya esta cambiando su modelo de vender, vender, aun así, al dar este Workspace pues hay que usar office :)))))...
Store and share documents online with Office Live Workspace
Jorge Avila
miércoles, mayo 28, 2008
Tuve la oportunidad la semana pasada (2008/05/22) de dar una conferencia en el Foro PYME organizado por CAINTRA en Cintermex. Gracias a todos los que asistieron, espero les haya gustado,
Jorge Avila
domingo, mayo 25, 2008
HowTo: Upgrade your BlackBerry OS | BlackBerryInsight
Aquí dejo un interesante artículo sobre cómo actualizar el Sistema Operativo del BlackBerry :), incluye el link a la versión especial de Telcel :)...
HowTo: Upgrade your BlackBerry OS | BlackBerryInsight
Recomendación a usuarios no técnicos: Si les esta funcionando, no le muevan :P, hehe...
Jorge Avila
sábado, mayo 24, 2008
Chad Vader Training Video
Hehe,hace mucho que no venia los videos de Chad Vader ;P, entretenidos y muy recomendables para un sabado por la tarde :P... have fun...
Jorge Avila
jueves, mayo 22, 2008
Descubren nuevas formas de robar información - PC World México
"Los investigadores han desarrollado dos nuevas técnicas para robar información de una computadora que utilizan herramientas que nadie imaginaría: cámaras y telescopios.
En dos investigaciones distintas, los equipos de la Universidad de California (UC) en Santa Bárbara, California, y de la Universidad Saarland en Saarbrucken, Alemania, describen ataques que parecen haber sido tomados de las páginas de novelas de espionaje. En Saarbrucken, los investigadores han logrado leer las pantallas de las computadoras a partir de los pequeños reflejos en objetos tan comunes como vasos, teteras e incluso el ojo humano. Por su parte, el equipo de la UC ha trabajado en una forma de analizar un video de las manos sobre un teclado para tratar de deducir lo que se escribe."
Interesante.... Saludos, Jorge Avila
miércoles, mayo 21, 2008
Study: Apple Most Gay-Friendly Brand, Samsung Least - Gearlog
Un estudio interesante... como estudian todo estos tipos...
Study: Apple Most Gay-Friendly Brand, Samsung Least - Gearlog
Jorge Avila
martes, mayo 13, 2008
Software Project Management in 15 Minutes Part 1
Hehe, el que ya estuvo ahí lo disfruta más :P...
Jorge Avila
sábado, mayo 03, 2008
PlayStation3 Internet Commercial: Capacity - Blu-Ray
Aquí una forma interesante de explicar las bondades en capacidad de la tecnología Blue Ray...
Jorge Avila
Quienes somos en Tecnología Aeroespacial Mexicana
Leyendo algunos artículos, me encontré con una noticia sobre un "producto" que esta trabajando la TAM, y me sorprendí cuando supe qué significaba... Tecnología Aeroespacial Mexicana, wow... fancy name... inmediatamente senti la necesidad de buscar el sitio y saber quienes eran... llegue al fin a la sección de Quiénes Somos?, y ahí un poco de quién es Juan Manuel Lozano Gallegos, una vida muy interesante, y creo que le ha tocado trabajar en extremos de industrias... ojala haya más empresas de estas en México, realmente creando valor y dejemos atrás las comercializadoras...
Les dejo la liga, vale la pena que la visiten:
Quienes somos en Tecnología Aeroespacial Mexicana
Jorge Avila
Best Text Editors [Hive Five]
Dejo aquí un excelente artículo sobre Editores de Texto, el primero es mi favorito y el que uso actualmente, Notepad++. Realmente es importante contar con algo más que el Notepad o el Wordpad. Más en el area de sistemas que editar archivos es cosa común.
Saludos, a todos,
Jorge Avila
Sent to you by Jorge Avila via Google Reader:
From managing our to-do lists and writing code to jotting ideas and keeping a grocery list, nothing beats a solid plain text editor. On Tuesday we asked you to nominate your favorite text editor, and over five hundred passionate comments later, we've whittled your nominations down to the most popular. Hit the jump for a look at the editors that made the list, and then vote for your favorite to crown the ultimate text editor.
NOTE: We had a tie in the top five rankings, so we've actually got six entrants in today's Hive Five. Without further ado, they are:
Notepad++ (Windows)
Notepad++ is the go-to text editor for many Windows users looking for something better than Notepad. It handles most of the advanced features of the rest, like syntax highlighting, code folding, and macros, but unlike most of the other GUI-based text editors featured, Notepad++ is completely free and open source. It may not be as sexy off-the-bat as other GUI editors, but it's fully customizable, so you're only limited by your time and imagination. As for its chops as a text editor, it's huge following speaks for itself.Emacs (All Platforms)
Primarily a text editor for serious programmers, Emacs (Editor MACroS) is popular for its built-in macros and powerful keyboard commands that make editing text documents—particularly code—a pleasure. The catch: You're not likely to fully appreciate Emacs until you spend some time getting to know it. The program has been ported to virtually every platform and has multiple incarnations, the most popular of which are probably GNU Emacs and XEmacs, both of which are free, cross platform, and open source.UltraEdit (Windows)
Shareware application UltraEdit ($49.95) is user-friendly programming editor with support for syntax highlighting, code folding, macros, and tons of similar features available to most of the rest. UltraEdit focuses a good deal on web development platforms, with advanced features built-in for HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and much more.TextMate (Mac OS X)
Powerful and attractive, TextMate ($63) came on the scene just a few years back and quickly gained a rabid following for its attractive interface, powerful macros, and downloadable and editable bundles. Windows users who'd love a little TextMate on their PC should check out E Text Editor, a text editor that directly apes TextMate and supports TextMate macro bundles.Vim (All Platforms)
Much like Emacs, Vim (the child of the age-old Vi) is wildly popular for its keyboard macros and powerful set of tools for the serious programmer. Also like Emacs, Vim is available in several flavors. Apart from the original, there's gVim or gVim Portable for Windows and MacVim for the Mac. If you think you might be interested in what Vim has to offer but you're not ready to dive headfirst into an editor with such an advanced and sometimes obtuse feature-set, check out Cream.TextPad (Windows)
The Windows-only TextPad (shareware, $32.50) is much like the rest. It has advanced features for programmers like syntax highlighting, code blocking, and macros, along with a clip library feature for storing persistent snippets of text. TextPad lovers also boast its searching prowess and ease-of-use.Now that you've seen the best, it's time to vote for your favorite:
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For the most part, the text editors above share many similar features. Keyboard and macro junkies often pit Emacs and Vim against each other, and most if not all of the rest put presentation and ease of use first, while still providing powerful tools for the plain text and coding pro. The real measure of a text editor is how it meets your needs, and if our original comment thread is any indication, you can't go wrong with any of these options. If you'd like to point out the finer features that make your text editor of choice the best—whether it made the list or not—let's hear all about it in the comments.
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